Monday, July 5, 2010

Construction of triangles.

So far we have focused on some important concepts. Today we will learn some Geometrical constructions involving triangles. We need to note that in Geometric construction only two instruments are permitted, in general[, a graduated ruler and a compass.

Steps in constructing a triangle when its base and vertical angle are given.

Below are the steps involved in constructing a triangle when its base and vertical angle are given.

Step 1:- Draw a line segment equal to the base say BC of the triangle.

Step 2:- Below base BC, make an angle CBP equal to the vertical angle of the given triangle.

Step 3:- Draw a line BE perpendicular to BP at the point B.

Step 4:- Draw the right bisector of base BC meeting a line BE perpendicular to BP at O.

Step 5:- With O as the centre and OB as radius, draw a circle.

Step 6:- Take any point A on the circumference of the circle on the same side on which O lies.

Step 7:- Join Ab and AC.

Try this you will surely like it. Comments will be appreciated.

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