Friday, July 9, 2010

Importance of Pie- Diagrams

In earlier classes, we have learnt about classification and tabulation of data and their graphical representation by using histograms, frequency polygons and ogives. In this article, we shall learn about the diagrammatic representation of data. The diagrammatic representation of data has preference over graphic representation we generally require graph paper. Also diagrams are more attractive to the eye and they are better suited for publicity and propaganda.

In practice a very large variety of diagrams are in use for diagrammatic representation. In this article we will discuss a particular type of diagrams, known as Pie-Diagrams.


A Pie-diagram or a pie-chart is a pictorial representation of the numerical data by non-intersecting adjacent sectors of the circle such that area of each sector is proportional to the magnitude of the data represented by the sector.

are used to show percent breakdowns. For example, with the help of a pie-diagram we can show how the expenditure of the government is distributed over different heads like Defence, Commerce and Industry, Tourism., Agriculture and Irrigation etc.

Using Pie-diagrams we can also show how the expenditures incurred by an industry are divided under different heads like raw materials, wages and salaries, marketing etc.

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