Monday, June 14, 2010


If the three medians of the triangles meet at a same point then the point is referred to as the centroid of the triangle. For straight line the centroid is nothing but the midpoint of the line. If the three vertices of triangle are given by A = [x1, y1], B[x2, y2] and C[x3, y3]. Then the coordinates of the centroid is given by
(x1 + x2 + x3 / 3), (y1 + y2 + y3 / 3).
Let us see brief about solving centroid in this article.

Properties of solving Centroid :

1. The centroid of an object which is given by the symmetry is not defined because the translation does not have any fixed point. The meeting point of the two diagonals is the centroid of a parallelogram which does not apply for any other quadrilaterals.
2. The centroid of a cone or pyramid is said to be positioned on the line segment which joins the apex to the centroid of the base of the cone, and divides that segment in3:1 ratio.
3. The geometric centroid corresponds with the center of mass if the mass is said to be equally circulated over the complete simplex, or concentrated at the vertices as n equal masses.
4. The centroid of a triangle is given at a point where all the points or medians of the triangle intersect at a point. The centroid is calculated only using those vertices.
These are the properties on solving centroid.

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